Alienígena transparente gigante de 14 pés é visto descendo um rio na Bolívia

Ufologist Javier Carlos Cordero took the mysterious being’s photograph and remarked, “It looks like a transparent being with long limbs, typical of a gray being. But we must determine the veracity of this.”


The photo was reportedly taken near the Pilcomayo River, in the Bolivian department of Tarija.

Numerous netizens in the comments expressed skepticism, believing the image to be obviously fake. Distrust was fueled by the creature’s translucent figure and the absence of its reflection in the river.

However, it’s noted that the creature doesn’t walk along the shore to be reflected in the water, and there’s speculation that it might have some form of disguise, causing its translucent appearance.


Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that the Tarija region in Bolivia is considered one of the main UFO hotspots in the country.

In May 1978, hundreds of people along the border between Bolivia and Argentina claimed to have witnessed a spacecraft crash in Mecoya. This unsolved mystery is regarded by some as South America’s “most credible UFO crash incident.” Even the US military showed interest in the cylindrical-shaped object that collided with the side of a mountain.

Corporal Natalio Farfan Ruiz of the Bolivian army recalled feeling as if “the end of the world was coming,” while others more than 100 miles away reported hearing an explosion similar to a sonic boom.